Friday 11 June 2010

Told you so

Following the realisation that Edinburgh now definitely, absolutely cannot afford the tram project, council officials and TIE representatives will meet with John Swinney soon to ask whether the money received from the Scottish Government will have to be paid back when the project is cancelled. Told you so!

Some time ago at a briefing in the Scottish Parliament we were told that investors were champing at the bit to get a slice of the Edinburgh Tram project but that TIE wanted to build it with public money (we were told that you could raise 100% of the dosh in London or Munich) - wouldn't that be a solution (he asked in all innocence). I still haven't had that other briefing ...

There's nothing worse than falling flat on your face and getting your nose stuck in a tramline (unless you fling your leg over the wire at the same time). Tramatic it is!

Mind how you travel ...


wee folding bike said...

The tram lines are proving to be bad for cyclists. This was predicted, the old Glasgow ones were the same 50 years ago. There is a solution, spring loaded metal fillers in the rail, but it is expensive so it's not going to happen. That would only deal with the rails themselves but I hear the interface between rail and tarmac has been done on the cheap and is likely to fracture.

Unknown said...

Of course, the option of not using rails was way too smart and not nearly expensive enough!